FL Computer Resources
The largest database of information technology (IT) and high-tech companies and resources of the world
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Explore our tech database by continents and countries
Our African IT and High-Tech Portal got 6,998 tech companies and resources.
Our Asian IT and High-Tech Portal got 40,321 tech companies and resources.
Our European IT and High-Tech Portal got 87,366 tech companies and resources.
Our North American IT and High-Tech Portal got 93,088 tech companies and resources.
Our Oceanian IT and High-Tech Portal got 6,483 tech companies and resources.
Our South American IT and High-Tech Portal got 7,366 tech companies and resources.
Our aim is to become the most important portal of the world in the information technology (IT) and high-tech industries. We aspire to count the majority of Web sites covering computers' field, from software to hardware, to news, jobs, education and more. We also aim to index several other tech sectors such as telecom, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Come back often, our database is growing continually.
You can also contribute to FLCR by adding your own IT / tech company and / or your favorite IT / tech resources links. If you work in the high-tech industry, you can add yourself to our tech people database.
In the Artificial Intelligence Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as chatbots like ChatGPT, AI developer tools, AI images generator and more. This section is under heavy development.
In the Business Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as tech parks, venture capital or tech news. If you are looking for a tech job, or want to buy a new computer, that is the section to visit.
In the Computer Science Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as bioinformatics, quantum computing or speech recognition. Whatever you are looking for informations about the history of computers or you are interested about a research centre, that is the section to visit.
In the Data Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as big data, databases or geomatics.
In the Design Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as computer-aided design, graphic design or usability.
In the Ecommerce Resources Category, you will find everything about topics such as ecommerce platforms, point of sale or price comparison.
In the Education Resources Category, you will find all what you need for your education path. From a computer science degree to a software, electrical, eletronics or telecom engineering degree, everything is there. Want to get your CCNA certification? That is the section to visit.
In the Electronics Resources Category, you will find everything related to consumer electronics, home automation or semiconductors.
In the Hardware Resources Category, you will find everything related to electronics, RFID or computer components. If you are looking for a robotic company or need to buy barcode equipment, that is the section to visit.
In the High-Tech Resources Category, you will find such topics as aerospace, biotech, cleanteach or nanotech companies. That is the place to learn about health informatics or defence IT technology.
The Internet Resources Categroy covers topics such as e-mail services or Internet marketing. If you are looking for a cybercafe or a search engine, that is the right section to explore. If you need to register a domain name for your website or looking for an Internet Service Provider (ISP), that is the section to visit.
In the Marketing Resources Category, you will find such topics as email marketing, SEM or SEO.
The Mathematics Resources Categroy covers mathematical topics related to computer science such as calculus. It also covers departments of mathematics from all around the world and general mathematics resources.
In the Programming Resources Category, developpers will find what they need about programming languages like C++, Java or Ruby and about programming plaftorm such as the .NET Framework. If you are looking for development tools or some code snippets, that is the section to visit.
In the Security Resources Category, you will find topics such as biometric equipment providers or firms specialized in data recovery. You will also find eveything about security software like antivirus or firewalls.
The Software Resources Category gives you access of all software related topics: cloud computing, video games, operating systems, SaaS, and so on. All companies which develop software are indexed here or will be indexed here as soon as we find them.
In the Telecommunications Resources Category, we have lots of resources related to Google Android, RIM BlackBerry, VoIP or mobile telecom. If you need to buy a new smart phone or wants some information about the iPad, that is the section to visit.
In the Transporation Resources Catagory, you will find everything about topics such as autonomous vehicles, electric vehicle or ride-hailing apps.
In the Web Design and Development Resources Category, you will find everything that you need from the design of your website to a web hosting service for it. Also, webmasters will find themes and templates or tools to get statistics about the visitors of their websites (audience measurement).
In the Web3 Resources Category, you will find all the technologies related to this new iteration of the World Wide Web, such as the metaverse, NFTs, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), dApps, DeFi, and more.